Conference Session Titles
Writing for Reflection: Artifacts in the Social Studies Classroom
Kashra Shelton, UMD Writing Project, Prince George’s County Schools
Analyzing Student Book Discussions for Evidence of CC Standards
April Winterson, Salisbury University, Worchester County Public Schools
C3: Taking Students from Knowing to Owning
Lisa Walker, Calvert County Public Schools
Understanding Fiscal Responsibility: using inquiry to explore current U.S. policy-making
Karen Kokernak, Maryland Council on Economic Education
Integrating Primary Sources while Teaching Historical Fiction
Jermaine A. Ellerbe, Ph.D., The SEED School of Maryland
PARCC and Write: Writing without tears in the content area
Jack Tuttle, Vera Young, Diane Jenkins & John Tompkins, Charles County Public Schools
Integrated Literacy through Historical Inquiry: Using the Historical Investigations Portal
Jen Frieman, Maryland Historical Society
Creating Explorers: History through Art
Howard Galowitz, Baltimore County Public Schools
Journaling with Documents
Hayward Johnson, Baltimore County Public Schools
History, Literature, and Technology: A Recipe for Secondary PBL
Andie Davis, Laurel School District & Gary Zoll, Seaford School District
Voices of Baltimore: Portraiture of Living through the Era of Legal Segregation
Dr. Gary A. Homana, Dr. Morna McDermott, Dr. Franklin CampbellJones, Towson University, College of Education
Assessing Claim and Evidence through Informal Writing
Mark Stout, Howard County Public Schools
Time Traveling Kids: Bringing History Alive through Story Telling
Julie Hall, Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum
Fun with Folktales: Cultural Conversations & Connections with German Children’s Literature
Jermaine A. Ellerbe, Ph.D., The SEED School of Maryland
American Government Bridge Project Round-table Discussion
It’s Elementary: Teaching Economics, Financial Literacy & ELA Using Inquiry
Karen Kokernak, Maryland Council on Economic Education
Promoting Literacy & Engagement through Street Law’s Mock Trials & Moot Courts
Tim Rodman, Montgomery County Public Schools